I regularly make recommendations to parents about financial education resources for kids & teens because it is so vitally important that we teach them and empower them to manage their money before we let them loose into the world, with their first job earning their own money. It doesn’t mean they’ll get it all right and make all the right choices, but having a better understanding of the basics will stand them in good stead for the future and be something they can build on throughout their personal and professional life.
Too often I have conversations with adults who don’t understand their own finances, what different financial products are available to them & would meet their needs, the terminology used for financial products, their legal rights and how to budget, among many other things and maybe most importantly where to go for help & advice!
It’s not too late to make a resolution this year to encourage your teens to get financially educated and maybe even improve your own knowledge in the process!
Here are just some of the resources I would recommend checking out….
Tax Facts is HM Revenue and Customs’ free tax education programme for primary and secondary school students. It has resources to help children and young people learn about the UK tax system, from lesson plans to videos. I would particulary recommend the short videos, which can be accessed via YouTube.
The Open University doesn’t just offer degree courses! They also have lots of free short courses on a whole range of subjects. You can dip in & out of them at your convenience and on completion can get a statement on participation, which may be helpful to evidence active learning. They have a ‘Money & Business’ section and 2 courses I would highlight are;
Managing my money for young adults – This course has been designed for age 14+ and can be used towards the Skills development section of the Duke of Edinburgh award, as one of my own children has done & the second one will be doing shortly!
MSE’s Academy of Money – Developed in conjunction with Money Saving Expert, this course has been designed for adults, but could definitely be a resource for older teens & those in their early twenties. Younger teens can download the free textbook – see below!
Developed in conjunction with the Money and Pensions Service and Money Saving Expert, The ‘Your Money Matters’ textbook has been designed for young people aged 14-16 and mapped to the National Curriculum for secondary schools. It is freely available for anyone to download from the website, along with more information about resources and support for schools.
4. Usborne Books
Money for Beginners – For age 10+, with bright infographic illustrations, this book gives an introduction to the world of money, from trading shells to online banking! If your child is really interested in this kind of thing, there are also lots of other titles in the ‘…for Beginners’ series such as; Business, Economics, Law, Politics… to name a few!
Managing your money – For age 11+, this book is filled with practical advice and straight forward explanations to equip young people with the skills they need to manage their money, now and in the future.
5. BBC Bitesize
There are lots of money related lessons and activities on BBC Bitesize, from Key Stage 1 to GCSE level and it has always been a go-to-resource in our house for homework help across a range of subjects! At secondary level you can find resources under 'Business Studies', 'Learning for Life & Work' or 'PSHE & Citizenship' or you could simply try typing 'Money' into the search bar!
Website with loads of tools, tips & activities to help families and young people build money and employability skills for their future.
Website with free financial education programme for 5 – 18 years old, with fun activities, games and resources.
If any of these don’t quite hit the mark for your kids, there are loads of other great websites out there with resources for children, teens, parents and teachers, have a search… and keep trying, it really is a vital skill to impart to your children!